Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

Farmland with Wind Turbines

Food Security for The Future

The world isn’t getting any bigger, but the amount of people that rely on its resources is. What happens when we deplete these resources? Sustainable agriculture affects everyone on this planet somehow, even if you aren’t aware of the progress it’s making firsthand. No matter what happens in the future, we all will need to continue to eat, right? So even if you don’t own land or cultivate crops, I think you’ll find a supportable and continuous global food system a necessity. But how can that be achieved?  In this blog, we’ll touch on how local farming practices have been taking steps toward sustainability. But first, let’s talk about what it all means.    

What is Sustainable Agriculture?

You may have heard the word “sustainable” when talking about the environment with friends, or in the news. When mentioned this way, sustainability means renewable resources, viable ecosystems, and a liveable world for years to come. Through the “going green” movement a lot more people have been doing their part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. But there are even more ways we can all chip in and show our support! Like purchasing from the local farms and ranchers who have been going above and beyond to find ways to keep their land, plants, and animals happy and healthy.   

What are The Benefits of Sustainable Practice?

So how has this been achieved and what does it mean for our future? Farming practices in the last 70 years have revolutionized feeding the masses, but at what cost? If we continue down the same paths that are currently being used in large-scale farming, our planet won’t be able to feed our future generations. But there are more options than just using harsh chemical means and practices to try and pick up the slack. Continuing to use industrial methods will lead to more problems, but local farming has the answer. And although the land they occupy may be small, the group effort has achieved something amazing. So what are they doing that’s so different?  

Through different methods, farmers help to keep their soil from being depleted and actually restore nutrients and microorganisms that promote animal and plant health naturally. Because of these practices, they’ve found ways to avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides that end up in our waterways and atmosphere, forming a living ecosystem in their soil without these means. It’s pretty incredible, but it takes time and knowledge just like anything. So in the Sustainable Agriculture Blog Series, Four Roots is offering educational material to try and help. Because we are all in this together, and that includes you, the consumer. So if you’re just learning about sustainability, we’ll help you understand the fundamentals.

A Continuous Global Food System

The main concept behind sustainable agriculture is farmers finding viable solutions that will keep their holdings producing and growing for generations. We have been living in a society of single-use items, plastic bottles, and bags that are destined for the landfill. We have all become accustomed to the use of gasoline and oil, these resources are non-renewable, so once they’re gone they’re gone for good. Sustainability is all about finding systems that renew themselves, through the soil, water, plant life, and animals, without having to intervene through means that will ultimately have a negative impact. 

Farmers have put practices in place that help lighten the strain on the environment, while still supplying us with nutrient-dense food and products. They care for every aspect of their land, including the soil, plant life, animals, and water systems. They all feed into one another, so if one is out of balance, it takes a toll on the whole farming organism. 

The Beginning of A Brighter Future

In our Sustainable Agriculture Blog series, we explain all the different methods and practices that are currently available if you’re interested in making a difference in your own farm or garden. But really, this is information that is vital for everyone who eats food on this planet. Populations are on the rise, so we need to think creatively if we are going to continue to feed everyone. And these methods and practices are part of the solution. So even if you don’t have land, consider shopping at your local farmers market, or picking up a fresh produce box (like the ones sold by Four Roots) to show your support. Not only are they putting your hard-earned cash back into the local economy, but they’re good for you and the environment too! 

No matter where you come from or what your living situation is, sustainable agriculture affects you. So we beg you to read on, gain the knowledge available, and consider your choices when purchasing your food. Local agriculture needs support from within its own community, and if this is done globally, we will be one step closer to a sustainable future. Because even when something starts off small, it can grow into something beautiful.


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